The Voice

After having surgery to remove a polyp from my left vocal fold in May of 2014, I was a little apprehensive about the two intensives I was scheduled for this summer in my Master of Arts in Music & Worship studies at Liberty University. I knew there would be a good deal of singing and I wasn’t quite sure how my voice would respond.

The first class in June was Graduate Conducting. When we weren’t conducting, we were the choir. We  must have sang the “Hallelujah Chorus,” “For Unto Us” and Vivaldi’s “Gloria” 20 times each! My voice felt strong and clear. At the end of the night, I felt like I could have kept on singing it!

In July, my Applied Music class was voice instruction–lots more singing! Again, my voice responded really well to the level of singing required and I was able to sing one of my pieces (“La donna e mobile” from Rigoletto) which was part of my senior voice recital which was 22 years ago! (Here is a link to my performance).

I am so thankful for the healing I prayed for and experienced and that I can continue to use my voice to bring praise to my Savior.

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